Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Growing Up Is Overrated

Growing up is lame.  No one ever warned me that when you have a baby, it will continue to get older and cuter.  But it happened.  And as sad as I was to let her grow up, she just is getting so darn stinking funny and adorable to be around I can't help but love it!  Lilah started in the toddler room at daycare and I was pretty nervous about it.  Mostly because they expect her to eat a snack sitting at a table and to take a nap on a cot, not a crib.  Good luck.  And our reports from the first week of toddler room were less than glowing.  Lilah did not want to sit down and eat, she prefers to stroll while snacking.  Lilah didn't understand she had to sleep on a cot, she wanted to keep playing with toys.  Lilah wants to be held the whole time.  It was a little disheartening... Maybe next week she'll figure this out?  Meanwhile, we are uber sad to leave our infant room teachers, they are absolutely wonderful.  But, on to new stages and new things!  Those babies just don't hold enough entertainment anymore... on to the toddlers.  My mom texted me in the middle of the week worried about how Lilah was doing in the toddler room because she hears about those gangs of toddlers who go around and steal cookies.  From the one thing that's stolen a cookie from Lilah (<cough> Rooney...), the experience wasn't pleasant... I think she can handle herself.  Amongst other unfounded worries... Ben after not seeing Lilah for 2 weeks thought that she was getting too skinny.  Lilah is down to just one double chin, we have major probs here folks.

If you were worried that Lilah wasn't doing cute things, please rest easier, she is.  They are as follows:

We "talk". This consists of Lilah speaking in some foreign language I have not identified.  But it's cute.

We "talk on the phone". ( No idea where she learned that.)

We have chats in the backyard every evening after dinner.
We drink from hoses

We mastered escaping thru doggy doors

We eat at chairs and tables at daycare now instead of highchairs

We drive things.

We stick our faces in fountains.

We think grandpas are neat.

We run thru sprinklers.

We giggle in an adorable way at almost everything.  Even while spilling clean laundry.

We love our ball tent.  Love.

We eat 100% of everything put in front of us... except strawberries and carrots.

We make our daddy an ooey gooey marshmallow (men live for this stage).  And built a fort without him.  This made him sad.

Purses and Diapers.  This classic will never fade.