Our life currently is spent as a foreign language consultant to our 23 month old. We say "out" when we want "up". Lilah says things like "icky", "kaka", "no no Roo". We say "cracka", "cheese" and "milKK"-- major emphasis on the k since we learned that sound. It's her very own Russian accent. We say "no" without any hesitation whatsoever. And very adorably, Lilah started saying "love you".
I spent about 5 minutes this morning trying to decipher what Lilah wanted this morning on the dresser she was calling her "butt". Over and over, "butt" "butt". I was clueless. I let Lilah on top of the dresser to grab what she was talking about. Ah ha! A barette. She wanted to put the "butt" in her hair to make it look pretty. Of course. Glad we solved that great mystery :)