Monday, April 1, 2013

1 week old with our Little Peaches

We are loving up every moment of being a family.  Things have not slowed down much since our families left and we are now feeling the full cumulative effect of sleep deprivation.  We thought residency was good preparation (which it is!) but there is still a sleep toll we didn't expect. Ben had to go back to work after 1 week, but he checked in with his girls everyday while at work.  Mostly, we spent the week talking to and cuddling with this adorable addition to our lives.  Laughing at many new adventures- most of them involving Lilah's bodily functions, but mostly just loving our new little family.
1 week old!

Sweet blanket from Craig and Audrey Dye

Beautiful quilt made by Great Grandma D!

Lilah bombed her newborn pictures.  A pretty penny down the drain in Ben's mind.  I can only think about the countless hours I put into making them "perfect"- crafting tutus, going to Michael's nearly every week to pick out flowers/bows/props, choosing blankets/baskets and other items to go into shots.  Lilah didn't realize she was expected to perform that day- instead she insisted on traumatizing the photographer and her parents.  The photographer didn't realize Lilah has a thing for being warm- not digging the naked phase yet.  So she spent 2 hours (yes- all 120 minutes) of the session crying and with a quivering lower lip until we would cover her back up in a blanket.  For the 2 poses that the photographer swaddled her- Lilah was a gem.  Well, a gem in that she slept.  But I suppose I should mention that she did poop and pee on both of the photographer's swaddles and gave a little pee pee to my hand made tutu also.  Guess she showed us!  I just hope the photographer didn't realize she got the carpet too... At the end of the session, the photographer looked thru her camera and announced she probably had about 3-5 good shots, she usually tries for about 12.  Yikes.  That's a wrap!

So, in all of my finer logic... I decided that I would do a full-scale newborn photo shoot on my own.  It only took all of the blankets in our house ( a few had to travel straight to the washer following the photo shoot), a bright window and a lot of Rooney's patience as we tried to pose Lilah.  There are a few good shots... but many many more are just hilarious and awkward.  Some ideas just don't go the way you think they will!  But for your enjoyment... here are some of both.
So sweet and cuddly!

Tutu attempt #2

And the awkwards ones...
"poop face"

"I spy" spit up!

Good idea gone wrong...

hot mess

where to start with this one...

National Baby Magazine offered to purchase this photo... but I thought I would hold out for a higher price

1 comment:

  1. Hehe have you considered a new profession in baby photography?? You've got a special talent at capturing the "moment"! But you really did get some cute ones in the basket! Good work, Shel!
