Friday, May 24, 2013

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

There are 6 ladies I have known since middle school that have been my best buddies.  Unfortunately, we have spread out too far from each other and don't see each other nearly as often as we would like. Ames and I both became mommies recently- so this was a special get together to meet each other's little ones. Allie hosted- the reason why is this girl can baby proof a house like you've never seen.  Gates, boxes, wow... it's impressive!   Plus, she has one adorable daughter named Iz who anyone would travel thousands of miles to see. 

We had a blast (no one needs to mention to the evil green rubber ducky).  Always fun to see you gals!  Wish it was more often :)

Isabel setting some ground rules for her dad paying attention to other babies

Amy, Tiffany and Gavin

Iz looking cool with her doggie purse.  She is a trendsetter!

Allie & Lilah

Prepare yourself for cuteness... I took about 30 photos of these two... and I spared you the other 26.   These two faces could melt an entire zipcode full of hearts. And they may be future prom dates.  Just saying.

Gavin (4 mos) and Lilah (2 mos)
 not really sure why these are sideways...

Gal Pals

Gal Pals + Babies - Iz (napping)

New mommies!

Lilah NOT digging her hoodie

Gavin sports his hood with more enthusiasm. 

1 comment:

  1. These pictures make me so happy!! Love seeing all the gal pals and new baby additions (:
