Sunday, September 8, 2013

Crab Apples

Miss Cookie Bear is now 5 months old!  We can't believe how we let the time get away from us!  She is changing so fast!  She is now grabbing her toes, getting up on her knees, and sitting up like a little lady.  Lilah is really starting to check to make sure her mom and dad are close and cries out if we leave the room.  She will let other people hold her if we're close, otherwise she's starting to get picky.  She has big beautiful blue eyes that are inquisitive and happy.  We love her more everyday!  We still have not mastered any semblance of a "routine" and sadly her sleep schedule is a disaster.  But we are more than happy to go cuddle that little sweet girl in the middle of the night, even if it's driving our coffee budget up!  My 5 month photo shoot did not go well.  Lilah was not in a modeling mood, but Rooney sure was.

Rooney at the ready

Rooney giving his fiercest face, Lilah needs to learn fierce faces

See?  I try.  It's still pretty cute.

Having some attention problems

Mom, why am I here again?

Lilah got to visit Anderson Orchard south of Indianapolis this weekend.  We loved it!  So many acres of trees and 16 varieties of apples.  We ended up getting a peck (not a bushel, just a peck), an apple cider slushie and an elephant ear.   The apples were fantastic and we loved grabbing them right off the trees!  Lilah who LOVES being outside had no complaints the entire trip!  It was a splendid weekend and some of the first family time we've had together in a few weeks!

Beautiful Orchard

Nelson Family picking apples

Our friends hosted Crab Fest 2013 at our house and it was awesome.  It consists of coating your outdoor table in newspaper and eating cooked shelled crab with your hands and a blunt object.  That's it.  There also is a small prize for whoever has the biggest pile of crab in front of them at the end of the night.  It felt the like a day on the East Coast!  It was pretty tasty, but I kept thinking of Sebastian from The Little Mermaid and had to limit myself.  Ben ended up with cuts all over his lips... he is a determined crab eater!  Lilah made sure to wear her crab gear to put everyone in the spirit!
Crab Fest 2013

The Real Deal.

Too much cuteness during the crab fest.  A snuggly 10 week old puppy that wanted to cuddle with Lilah... we really did nothing else but watch these two for about 10 minutes.  It was bliss.
Puppies licking toes.  Puppies blocking toys.  Other curious puppies.  Puppy heaven.

Crab Gear, check. 

1 comment:

  1. I love your photo sessions!! Keep them coming!
    Puppy + Lilah = too much adorableness.
