Friday, September 4, 2015

Shine On Bad Guys!

Two kids, we're not there yet.  We hope that someday we will look back and be proud that we managed it well.  We might be managing it now, but I wouldn't say well.  Lilah has made a break for the street on two occasions while I've been on the couch breastfeeding.  Tonight alone she cut herself with a CutCo knife, spilled milk on the floor twice, and the baby threw up on me-- all in the span of about 45 minutes.  Not winning.  My only winning moment was when Ben got puked on last night-- like a lot.  I brought him a dish towel.  I thought it was kinder than the small paper towel he brought me when Lilah spit up all over me two years ago.  Pay back :)  But he was a good sport and even let me take a picture.

Proud Dad Moment... This is real love.

Lilah is probably one of the funniest and sweetest girls but has had more challenging moments over the last few months.  We've worked on some household rules as a result of hitting at daycare and Lilah recalls the rules now saying, "I no hit. I hug."  Another rule is not yelling and stomping her feet.  But we'll get there.  She is two after all.  The classic methods of discipline have thus been not too effective, but she doesn't seem to mind her time outs too much.   Luckily she balances it out with uber adorable moments and being utterly lovable.  Some of the absolutely adorable things she is famous for currently: 1) Throughout the day and during dinner we hear Lilah's little voice sing "Shine!" (aka Katy Perry's song "Firework).  She learned it from the Madagascar movies but the girl is obsessed with the song.  2) Bad Guys.  Everyone is a bad guy (except me... woo hoo!).  Rooney is a bad guy.  Daddy is a bad guy.  Anyone in a book is a candidate to be a bad guy.  3) Feeding ducks, but mostly eating all the bread herself.  " More bread!  'ere you go!  Bye duckies!  See 'ou 'morrow!"  It's seriously makes me tear up it's so cute. 4)  Loving bedtime and bath time.  Where did this child come from?  She loves to be tucked in and read to.  So sweet!  5) Saying "walk away" to someone/dogs when she is upset with them.  It's hard not to laugh, honestly.  Where do they learn these things?!
6) Being an awesome big sister!  She LOVES her new baby.  She always wants to address the baby's crying-- someone needs to hold her or stick a paci in her mouth.  She helps me pump milk and is very curious about everything the baby does.  But most of all she kisses Adeline, sings to her and shares her toys with Adeline.  I hope these two are super close when they grow up.
Big Sister-ing

Adeline has been a charming baby but was born a month old.  She was alert alert from the get-go and isn't very fond of sleeping when not in someone's arms.  My nighttime sleep has ranged from 3.5-5.5 hours most nights and there hasn't been any napping at our house.  It's been a busy maternity leave... how did I ever do all of this while working full time too?!  How will we ever do it all when I'm back to work with two kids.  Lord, help us!

What wouldn't you do for this sweet face?!

Too cute at 1 month!

I also got to make a trip back (when Adeline was 2 weeks old!!) to see friends and family.  I did a job interview and yay-- got it!!  But most importantly, Adeline got to meet her Nana, Papa, great grandparents, her special Lincoln aunties, and the Millers!  Well worth the chaos!
Nana's new house

Nana time

Adeline and Nana

Papa playtime!

The proud grandparents
Snuggling with the Gaga

Uncle "Tray-vor"

Val Schroeder in Iowa City

Uncle Jeff

Aunt Carrie and Reagan

Mas big sister time

1 comment:

  1. Shelley...please email me when you have a minute or two...wausie at cox dot net....(close the spaces, etc.) Need some vitals on Addy...
    Fun keeping up with your family...what job were you offered?
    Love to you and yours.
