Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Fat Bottomed Girls Make the Rockin' World Go Round

1 Month!!

What happened to the first month?!  I keep telling her we are against growing up in this family, but she's not listening.  At her 1 month visit she was 10 pounds 8 ounces... nearly 3 pounds up since birth!  I think someone needs to let her know it's not a race to outweigh all the other babies.  Her pediatricians (two of the most awesome people ever- Dr Emmick and Dr Bender) had a shower for her yesterday at the office and she didn't lack arms to hold her!  You think they'd get tired of holding babies, but not so fast! We should have cleared the afternoon schedules for everyone in the office because Lilah was passed around and snuggled endlessly.  I got to eat a real meal, chat it up with grown-ups, open up adorable books and outfits, and everyone was happy!
Dr Bender :)

Dr Emmick working her soothing magic

We did have a small bomb drop in the house when I got really sick last week with mastitis.  Ben was on call the night before and I thought that his lack of body heat in the bed was the explanation for why I spent the entire 10 hours of the night shivering in a cold sweat... but my medical training finally kicked in and I realized I was sick!  I think I was actually hallucinating since at one point I was worried that ghosts were harming Lilah in the night... but thankfully I am on a road to recovery and everyone is healthy again around here.  Unfortunately, my milk supply has been pretty damaged by the illness, so we're doing the best we can to be patient and hope everything goes back to how it was.  In the meantime, there have been some tears (let's be honest, boatloads of tears) shed waiting. 

Many of you understand how hard it is to get a picture of these little adorable boogers.  You snap the camera 10 times to get 1 decent looking shot that doesn't make your child look like they're in pain or passing gas at that exact second.  Here is a less than successful "1 month" photo op.
We start off with the sign being fascinating.

Now we're terrified of the sign.

Now we're just angry.

Now tired.

Now bored.

This might be the best shot.  And that completes my photo session.

Here is a more successful "1 month photo" op ( about 2 weeks later but shhh!!!   I got busy!  When does that "I'm a new mom and didn't have time to do _____" card expire?  I hope never.)

Yup.  I'm this cute just hanging out and showing off my arm rolls.

darn shoes are pointless... never stay on
We felt like dancing and kicking our legs in this shot

Ben and I even got a chance to have some quality time with our little gal this week which was nice.  She is such a cuddle right now.  She even slept 6 hours last night... spoiling us already!

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