Friday, May 3, 2013

Floyd the Midnight Plumber

Disaster struck the Nelson house again!  The sewer gods are definitely laughing at this one!

Ben and I had planned a date night with a rented movie and home cooked meal... but... it was interrupted.  Lilah and I were in the middle of dumping draino into the drains upstairs that had been suspiciously bubbling for the past 2 days when our toilet off the kitchen started spewing filth.  I found Ben hysterically yelling (never happens) and cussing out our toilet in one of the most disgusting bathroom situations I've ever seen. Needless to say, the date night was a little ruined.  Looking forward to weekend plumber rates, we made the call.  Luckily, Floyd showed up at our door at 10:30pm on Friday night.  Floyd needed the white tubey thing outside our house to start the unplugging.  It was dark, we had no idea where it was.  Flashlights out, we searched every bush and plant in our yard.  Nada.  I got out a shovel and started digging in the spot where our neighbors was and finally after an hour of searching- bingo!  Only problem was it was directly underneath a giant bush by our front door.  So, Ben got out his saw and about 75% of our evergreen bush was laying on our lawn before the white tubey thing could be seen. The front of the house has more a "punk" look now. The bush had overtaken our pipes and caused this Friday night disaster! By midnight, Floyd the Plumber, had our pipes up and running, but we will now be re-landscaping the front of our house.

This plumbing issue is a headache!

Our bush in the light of day

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! Nothing like toilet/sewer issues to liven up date night. And you should totally leave your bush. It has...character.
